LICARD offers a transportable filling installation which can be moved into any location of your choice and is used to refill your vehicles with LUKOIL fuel right at your premises.
We know how essential high-tech solutions and sustainability are for your business. That is why we have developed some exclusive proposals to get LUKOIL fuel delivered right to you: Mobile Fuel Station and Fuel Truck.
Flexible rates
Tailor-made service network
24/7 online data access
Reliable data protection

No installation or maintenance costs
Delivery of EURO-5 fuel solely from LUKOIL refineries
Uninterruptable fuel supply in the volume needed
Flexible discounts and payment terms
A single Fuel Card used for transactions both at LUKOIL sites and via the Fuel Mobile Station
Online monitoring and management of your fuel costs via the Customer Area

We can arrange fuel supply to a place of your choice by using the Fuel Truck, a special-purpose truck fitted with a fuel tank and a set of fuel-dispensing equipment. This is a convenient, mobile and cost-effective solution from LICARD!
No maintenance costs
Delivery of EURO-5 fuels solely from LUKOIL Refineries
Uninterruptable fuel supply to the location of your vehicle or to your roadwork, construction or any other job site
Flexible discounts and payment terms
A single Fuel Card used for transactions both at LUKOIL sites and via the Fuel Truck
Online monitoring and management of your fuel costs via the Customer Area
Apply for the Solution
For more information, please contact us on the toll-free 24-hour Hotline: